
EESC Advocates for Fair Trainee Compensation: No More Unpaid Work

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is advocating for stronger measures in the Commission's proposal to make EU traineeships more equitable and inclusive. With nearly half of the EU's three million trainees unpaid and about a third lacking social protection, the EESC insists that all young people should have equal opportunities to benefit from traineeships, regardless of their financial situation.

Stability in Leisure Time Satisfaction in the EU

In 2022, the average satisfaction with leisure time across the EU stood at 6.8 on a scale from 0 (completely dissatisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied), mirroring the results from the previous survey conducted in 2018. This data is part of a broader framework assessing quality of life, which includes both quantitative and qualitative measures of leisure and social interactions.

Developing Youth Policy Models between the V4 and Azerbaijan.

youth policy models

Dear Friends,

We are looking for partners from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary for the international meeting that will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. I ask youth organizations from these countries to contact with me via email with the subject line: International meeting partner request and I will send the form and information about the project. The International meeting will take place on February, 2022. 

Erasmus+ Programme 2021 - Deadline: 11.05.2021 (Closed)

The call covers the following actions:


Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning Mobility of Individuals

  • Mobility of individuals in the fields of education, training and youth,
  • Youth participation Activities.


Key Action 2 (KA2) - Cooperation among Organisations and Institutions